Cold calling…does it work or not?

Your own belief system may be holding you back.

 There is a concept in psychology called, ‘Learned Helplessness‘. It means that when we experience something often enough, we can develop a belief that supports that experience. With cold calling, we hear the following comments from people all the time. “Cold calling doesn’t work.” “Leaving voicemails doesn’t work.” “I won’t use scripts because it makes me sound canned, like the proverbial telemarketer reading their script.” Continue reading “Cold calling…does it work or not?”

Two simple steps to make 2018 the best year of your life. Number 1 of 4…

“The only true security in life comes from knowing that every single day you are improving yourself in some way.” Tony Robbins – Awaken the Giant Within

The beginning of the new calendar year always brings new energy and excitement for each of us. This will be the year! I’m going to accomplish so much. This year will be different. I will not allow myself to continue with those bad habits that suck time and positive energy out of my days this year. And, this year, we’ve got momentum at our back. The economy is cooking again—opportunity abounds.

Continue reading “Two simple steps to make 2018 the best year of your life. Number 1 of 4…”