The most powerful way to accomplish goals—envision it. Blog 3 of 4…

The mind cannot tell the difference between what is imagined and what is real.

Any self-help book worth its salt will talk about envisioning yourself where you want to be, doing what you want to be doing, and being what you want to be as a very powerful part of the process of accomplishing what you want out of life.  The reason for that is simply this. Years ago, scientists discovered that the human mind truly cannot tell the difference between what is imagined and what is real. Continue reading “The most powerful way to accomplish goals—envision it. Blog 3 of 4…”

A simple process (and tool) to set personal & business goals. Blog 2 of 4…

A powerful and easy to implement goal setting process that works in both our business and personal lives.

Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” In practical terms, what he’s saying is that if we don’t have a written set of goals that we’ve made public in some fashion (to help us stick to them), it’s just too easy to let life’s events lead us down a road to a destination different than the one we envisioned.

Last week, I talked about how to make our goals ‘public’, through the use of Vision Boards. This week, I’ll tackle the process of actually setting the goals. Continue reading “A simple process (and tool) to set personal & business goals. Blog 2 of 4…”

Two simple steps to make 2018 the best year of your life. Number 1 of 4…

“The only true security in life comes from knowing that every single day you are improving yourself in some way.” Tony Robbins – Awaken the Giant Within

The beginning of the new calendar year always brings new energy and excitement for each of us. This will be the year! I’m going to accomplish so much. This year will be different. I will not allow myself to continue with those bad habits that suck time and positive energy out of my days this year. And, this year, we’ve got momentum at our back. The economy is cooking again—opportunity abounds.

Continue reading “Two simple steps to make 2018 the best year of your life. Number 1 of 4…”

A simple way to improve your appointment setting performance.

Do you listen to yourself?

listening-pictureIf you are a manager of sales professionals, you are charged with not only driving a certain amount of revenue, but you’re also charged with developing the abilities of the sales team. It’s a given. Our incentive is our own survival and the belief in leverage. We know we’ll be asked to bring in more revenue next year than we were asked to do this year—and most likely without additional headcount. The only way to do that is to have a more efficient and effective team, which is another way of saying I will continuously need more leverage or better productivity out of each of my team members.  Continue reading “A simple way to improve your appointment setting performance.”